dimanche 10 février 2013

How To Get A Boyfriend - 13 Steps


  How To Get A Boyfriend - 13 Steps

You are in your late twenties and don’t have a boyfriend. This is the problem of most of the singles these days who are indulged into their career and ignore their personal life. How to get a boyfriend is the most common question most of you would be looking for. You just have to be a little more sensitive towards your personal life.
Getting a guy in your life would be surely tricky at times. Your search for boyfriend would definitely come to an end after trying these simple ways to balance your love life and career. You don’t have to feel depressed or embarrassed for not having the Mr. Right in your life. Here are few simple ways to find a boyfriend –
  1. Firstly, you have to understand and ask yourself about the likes and dislikes. Know the qualities you are searching in a guy rather than simply hanging with some one. There would be some attributes that flatters you – loving, caring, ambitious, smart and from good family.
  1. Looking for a guy would never be a problem if you are a very social person. Try hitting the social gatherings, discothèques, pubs and clubs. You don’t have to be very desperate with your moves. Just try to be friend the guys you find attractive and suitable.
  2. You need wait for the guy to approach you. You can always go and start the talks. Don’t be nervous and remember that – he also a human being like you. Just be confident and don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t show interest.
  3. Try to meet him in private. You can also plan the next weekend with him. Getting to know more each other can actually be the easy way to date him.
  4. Call him over for a coffee and don’t plan a very romantic date for your first few meets. You have to know the guy properly before you get into a serious relationship.
  5. Exchange messages and love emails with him. Don’t be very intimate with the texts but can be little friendly.
  6. After few weeks you can plan for a formal date and enjoy together for some dinner and exotic evening plans.
  7. Whenever you are with him don’t be judgmental about him. And never discuss about your past relationships. This can mess everything.
  8. Convey your feelings for him and pamper him. It is a misconception that men don’t like being pampered.
  9. While going on your first date with him don’t be over dressed. He may be distracted by your low neckline. Just stick to the lighter moments and be comfortable with him.
  10. Don’t expect making love during the first few dates. You can always wait for. Try planning fun activities and lone times with him.
  11. Enjoy being with him and show your true interest. Don’t be nagging and pushy with your talks.
  12. Stay in touch through SMS, mails, greetings and personal meets. You can get a good boyfriend only if you are sincere with your moves.

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