vendredi 8 février 2013

My Confession



                                                                 My Confession

                                                           My heart still wheeps
                                                          But they are tears of joy
                                                          From the streams of love you send to me
                                                          And the beauty in your eyes as bright as light
                                                          Puts me in a dilema of love and plight
                                                          Delicate but real
                                                          Wonderful and still
                                                         Your beauty makes my senses go to sleep
                                                         Tight as a clip feels the power of your grip
                                                          From the moment i saw you my heart came falling
                                                          Into depths of love
                                                          So steep and so deep, yet so conforting
                                                          That my entire body
                                                          Wishes to sleep along
                                                          Never minding the depth I'll be falling
                                                          Or the fear that I might be crash-landing
                                                          For from that blessed day you looked into my eyes
                                                          I felt like my life
                                                          Had found its way to the hights
                                                          So I make this confession to you my future bride
                                                          Please accept my it
                                                          My heart will never lie to you 


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